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Yoogo Keychain's Main Site

Home of the safety keychain that's useful daily!

Yoogo keychain Explained

The Yoogo is more than just another defense keychain.

It is first an ergonomic tool designed to better hold your keyset in your everyday life.

Since the Yoogo keychain allows firm grips with many hard surface sticking out of your fist, you will find obvious that your instinctive defense actions can be more effective with it than without it.

The Yoogo keyring is made in Canada. Knowing that you could use it for defense, all components are chosen to withstand the worst treatments.


I want it!

Where do I get it?

Access your Yoogo online shops. See the quantity discount. CLICK!






Also consult the Yoogo keychain retailers listed by country. Get the Yoogo keychain in store, online or during trainings. Thank you for supporting them.

Have a good shopping! Contact us if you need any information, we will be glad to answer you.

The Yoogo Team